The latest Harry Potter buzz is that over the weekend, at some Q & A, J.K. Rowling related that she always thought of Professor Dumbledore as being gay. I don't have a lot of time to comment on this, so to summarize, I'm fine with it. I love the idea of a gay Dumbledore! That's it really. No other comment required.
I just want to take the opportunity to predict the irrational religous shitstorm that with rage over this non-item. For those of you who think this is a problem please remember one key fact: Dumbledore doesn't exist, therefore there is no real problem. What ever dick he might be enjoying in his off-time, is totally imaginary dick.
By the way, just a reminder to all fundementalist evangelicals who might make a big deal out of this: Ted Haggard is real, and he sucked real dick while he was building one of the biggest evangelical ministries ever (he also sucked on glass dicks full of crystal meth, hee hee!). He also caused more harm than Dumbledore, who is imaginary. Calm down and take a breath, 'kay?
I don't think I have ever read an article on HP using the work Dick so many times.
Although on second thought this may be more of a comment on my sphere of entertainment news then on your article.
Wow, what a post. I wonder how many hits your blog will get with that kind of language? Yowza.
I actually think it is a big deal. Rowling has just outed the most famous wizard on earth. Real or imaginary, he is a role model for many. For kids who are struggling with their sexual identity, to see such a strong, thoughtful, intelligent human being as gay, well, that's got to be helpful.
I very much doubt the right winged conservatives will pay much attention. They already don't allow their kids to read such filth (i.e. witchcraft) and Dumbledore's sexual orientation is the last nail in the coffin.
On a related tangent, Eric knew Dumbledore was gay all along and had it confirmed in book 7, what with Dumbledore's fascination with Grindewald. Interesting what people will do for love.
Dumbledore is so last week. Let's move on, shall we?
First up, we have Steven Colbert entering the US presidential race, only in South Carolina and on both the Democratic and Republican ticket. Can he win? Will he run afoul of the FCC? What does this say about Americans? Could Colbert eventually rule the Americas??
Second, we have sad news that American-born and Canadian-raised entertainer, Robert Goulet, has died at the age of 73. A classy villain with comedic timing.
What else is going on in the world of pop culture?
Have you heard this news -you haven't mentioned it to me so I am guessing that you haven't
I think it deserves a blog entry...
Aie, aie, aie! Another Josh Whedon project? I didn't succumb to Buffy, will I fall prey to this? Probably.
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