10) Ex Machina

Synopsis: Mitchell Hundred is a structural engineer who develops super powers after coming in contact with a mysterious alien artifact. What does he do with his new abilities? He runs for Mayor of New York City.
Suggested for (Jennie or Eric?): Eric.
Why?: Well, like the protagonist, Eric is a somewhat super fellow with political aspirations. He may well identify with the day-to-day challenges of a man who can fly as fast as a passenger jet, but is daunted by the bureaucracy involved with closing the Greatest City in the World down for a snowstorm.
9) Astonishing X-Men Vol. 3 - "Gifted", "Dangerous", "Torn" and "Unstoppable"

Synopsis: Written by Joss Whedon and drawn by John Cassaday, this is the highest quality X-book out on the market to date. It's also the X-book with the most publishing delays, but us fan-boys are still lining up to get them issues. This book still achieves high sales and even higher critical acclaim.
Suggested for: Jenni
Why?: Although not the absolute best of Joss Whedon's writing (the Buffy episode "Once More With Feeling" and the Firefly episode "Objects In Space" are granted that honour), it's a fantastic piece of work. Familiar X-characters are beautifully drawn, and the writing harkens back to the days when Chris Clearmont and Alan Davis were in charge of the franchise. Plus, Kitty Pryde is back! Hubba, hubba!
8) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier

Synopsis: The long awaited third installment of Alan Moore's and Kevin O'Neil's The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series updates the timeline beyond the Victorian Era.
Suggested for: "Eh, Rick..."
Why?: For selfish reasons. My man, Eric borrowed the first two volumes of Leauge from me back in the day and apparently enjoyed them. The Black Dossier is not available in Canada, so I'm hoping he will buy the book and return the favour.
7) Identity Crisis

Synopsis: One of the most contraversial collections with a story line that shakes the foundations of the DC Universe. Identity Crisis explores the ramifications when the DC Heroes cross a fundemental ethical line.
Suggested for: Jenni
Why?: Jenni tends to be into less mainstream graphic novels. Identity Crisis is to comic books what Pulp Ficton is to movies: a mainstream work with indie sensibilities. Also, I think this would be an interesting counterpoint to Jenni's usual choices.
6) The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born

Synopsis: This retelling of Roland Deschain's early adventures was personally overseen by Stephen King and Robin Furth. A must-read for any Dark Tower fan.
Suggested for: "E-rector set"
Why?: Not only is the main story arc faithfully written and beautifully rendered (Jae Lee and Richard Isanove, 'nuff props!), the graphic novel features previously untold, secret tales that flesh out the world of the Dark Tower. For example, ever wonder where Rhea of the Cöos came from? Or how Eldred Jonas got his limp? Well, now you can find out!
5) From Hell

Synopsis: Alan Moore's and Eddie Campbell's haunting meditation on the identity and motives of Jack the Ripper.
Suggested for: Jenni
Why?: Actually, I don't really want to suggest this one for Jenni, it was just her turn. This book is pretty challenging, not because of the dense narrative, more because it's syle places us smack dab in the middle of ugly Victorian London at the end of the century. Think of this book as the movie Se7en without the uplifting ending.
4) Serenity: Those Left Behind

Synopsis: Takes place in Joss Whedon's 'verse, in between the events of Firefly the TV show and Serenity the movie.
Suggested for: "E-rock"
Why?: More Serenity is a good thing. (Chances are Eric read it already anyway).
3) V For Vendetta

Synopsis: A mysterious anarchist named "V" works to destroy the totalitarian government who controls a dystopian future.
Suggested for: Jenni
Why?: Features big words like "anarchist", "totalitarian" and "dystopian", that only smart folks like Jenni truly understand. Also, it's better to read the graphic novel before watching the somewhat passable but mostly uninspiring movie version.
2) Planet Hulk

Synopsis: For some reason people insist on pissing Hulk off. The Hulk is tricked by a bunch of people who really should have known better, and finds himself exiled to another, unihabitated planet. Due to an "unforseen navigational error", he instead finds himself on a real craphole, war-torn planet in a weakened state and on the wrong side of a set of slave manacles. Eventually.... HULK SMASH!!!
Suggested for: "E-rotic massage"
Why?: Why not? Sure graphic novels can be lit'ry and profound, but sometime you just wanna see HULK SMASH!!!
1) Lost Girls

Synopsis: Graphic novel depicting the sexual adventures of three important female fictional characters of the late 19th and early 20th Century, namely Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz, and Wendy Darling from Peter Pan.
Suggested for: Both Jenni and Eric
Why?: Pure, unadulterated porn. To be read together in bed after the little one is asleep.
Ta ta!